Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Reading List: January 2015 - January 2016

  1. वह भी कोई देस है महराज (अनिल यादव) (tr. Is that too a country my lord!, Anil Yadav) 
  2. The Great Hunt (Robert Jordan) 
  3. The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Mohsin Hamid) 
  4. A Case of Exploding Mangoes (Mohammad Hanif) 
  5. The Dragon Reborn (Robert Jordan) 
  6. सब उसके लिए (मुनव्वर राना) (tr. All For Her (Him), Munawwar Rana) 
  7. Kafka On The Shore (Haruki Murakami) 
  8. आँखों आँखों रहे (वसीम बरेलवी) (tr. Eyes Eyes In, Wasim Barelwi) 
  9. Farther Away (Jonathan Franzen) 
  10. Winter Notes on Summer Impressions (Fyodor Dostoyevsky) 
  11. Galapagos (Kurt Vonnegut) 
  12. Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell) 
  13. Waiting for the Barbarians (J M Coetzee) 
  14. संसद से सड़क तक (सुदामा पाण्डेय 'धूमिल') (tr. From Parliament To Street, Sudama Pandey "Dhoomil") 
  15. The Fires of Heaven (Robert Jordan) 
  16. New Spring (Robert Jordan) 
  17. The Man in the High Castle (Philip K Dick) (reread) 
  18. Parallel Stories (Peter Nadas) 
  19. Lord of chaos (Robert Jordan) 
  20. नौकर की कमीज (विनोद कुमार शुक्ल) (tr. The Servant's Shirt, Vinod Kumar Shukla) 
  21. Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Ken Binmore) 
  22. Solaris (Stanislaw Lem)


MaihoonDON said...

Have you moved to the Kindle yet?

Nanga Fakir said...

Nope. Old school.

drhadi.masoom said...
