Sunday, June 18, 2006

Clogged Blog

What I mean by clogged blog is that though blogging can be a fruitful, interesting, blah blah blah, blah blah blah, experience for some, it turns out to be pretty arbit like most things in the world as far as I am concerned.

Now an interesting question can be that why do things that would seem meaningful to other sensible humans do not seem sensible to some. Example: Taking an eight hour sleep in the night. The answer is that such a minority is formed of the utterly jobless crackpots like me whose head has frontal lobe elongation anomaly syndrome that causes them to laze around for an infinite period of time. In fact, this notion of infinity is so precisely rigorous that George Cantor was initially planning to use this as a definition of infinity. However, as usual, the journals wouldn't accept this as a valid argument citing Chinese Professor Soo Soo's argument regarding the dead chimpanzee's soulmate being the wife of George Cantor as the more rigorous defintion.

Fart Fart Fart Fart Fart...................

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