Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Recent Acquisitions


  1. The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)
  2. Lords of Finance (Liaquat Ahmed)
  3. Collective Choice and Social Welfare (Amartya Sen)
  4. Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
  5. Why Nations Fail (Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson)
  6. Who Gets What and Why (Alvin Roth)
  7. Mathematics for Economists (Simon and Blume)


Arvind Krishna said...

Is this for you, or to impress your students?

Nanga Fakir said...

To impress you :P

Arvind Krishna said...

I am always impressed :)

MaihoonDON said...

'Why Nations Fail?' is a very good read. :)